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Hoe Phoebe en Cole weer samen kwamen

24 aug 2010 - 17:56




The truth

Phoebe storts in als ze merkt dat cole waarschijnlijk de demon is die Wyatt ziet

‘You see, Wyatt. I’m a friend of aunt Phoebe. Not a bad guy.’ Cole said, when he saw Wyatt looking at him. Wyatt tucked his thumb in his mouth and lowered his shield. The sisters did not notice, because they where to busy discussing Wyatt’s interest in Cole. Cole smiled at Wyatt and got of the floor where he sat. ‘I can’t deal with this again, Piper.’ Phoebe cried out. Piper embraced her little sister and made the same hushing noises she made to calm down Wyatt. Cole tried to stroke her hair, but his finger went right through. ‘Its not that I couldn’t have know. It seems that every time I get reminded of his by something her appears, till now only in my dreams but still.’ Cole stepped closer and leaned forward. He must be going deaf. Paige and Piper gave each other a strange look. ‘Please don’t tell us what you dream of.’ Paige said teasingly. Phoebe smiled and freed herself of Piper embrace. ‘Look I know I’m probably overreacting, but you know. This afternoon I got a letter from a middle aged women who’s clock was ticking. who ditched her boyfriend, who was the love of her live and was all alone. It just seems like I’m going to end up all alone.’ Cole didn’t understand the story, but piper and Paige clearly did because the both nodded. ‘I didn’t know.’ Piper said. Phoebe shrugged. ‘I tried to deny it when he was alive and when he died it was no use.’ Cole waved his hands in front of Phoebe’s face. ‘What did you try to deny?’ He asked knowing fully well she couldn’t hear him. ‘How can I still love him, piper. He betrayed me. Choose the change to be the Source over my love for him and he tried to force me to marry him. How is it that I can still love him.’ Phoebe cried. Piper hugged her and even Paige joined the hug. Cole sighted ‘Is that what you think, that I choose power over you? Why don’t you know how the hollow worked. I knew to late, but you have a book to give you that info, Phoebe. Why don’t you know. That powers are attached to a soul. When the source died. His soul stayed with his powers. He was stronger than me Phoebe I didn’t have a choice. And after the demonic wasteland, same story. And whit that many souls inside of me can you really blame me for getting insane. I Love you, Phoebe.’ Cole said, He sighted and nodded. ‘I know you can’t hear me, but talking like this makes me feel better.’ He said to the crying woman. While the sisters hugged, Cole went downstairs to sleep. He laid himself on the couch and closed his eyes


ZoeyRedbird zei op 29 aug 2012 - 22:26: