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Hoe Phoebe en Cole weer samen kwamen

2 sep 2010 - 21:54




byebye daddy

A servant poured in some drink. Phoebe wanted to say anything when he also poured in something else, but Cole stopped her. ‘You can’t change history.’ He said. As soon as Phoebe felt his pain, she grabbed his hand and stroked it. The drinks where served and Phoebe watched Elisabeth closely as she got the drink with the potion, but instead of dying her eyes turned bright red. ‘Kill the royals, starting with the youngest.’ The servant said. Piper and Paige looked in shock, but Phoebe tried to keep Cole calm. Elisabeth got up and started to walk towards the stairs. Benjamin rushed past her and went upstairs. Elisabeth went after him and the rest followed. The group looked in shock as Benjamin grabbed a young baby and fled down a other stairs. Five girls played on the floor. An other one was sleeping in her bed. ‘Watch you’re sisters, Cole.’ Benjamin called as he ran down the stairs. Again Elisabeth walked after him. Little Cole ran down after his parents. Big Cole looked at Piper and Paige and asked them to watch his sisters as, he ran after them too. Phoebe followed him.
The little group ran into the forest. ‘Hey, what’s going on.’ Adam called following them to. On a open place Benjamin stopped and turned. ‘Lizzie, you don’t want to do this.’ He cried out, But Elisabeth grabbed the baby from his arms and shot a energy ball at him. ‘Noooooooooooo.’ Little Cole yelled. Elisabeth looked in shock at the pile of ashes, what used to be her husband. Her hands went up at her face, as she forgot she had a baby in her arms. Little Cole made a leap forward and catch the baby before it landed on the ground. He rocket the baby gently and looked up at his mother in shock. Adam came running into the open place and froze when he saw, what happened. He tried to stay calm, but tears started to drop down his face. Little Cole pulled himself together and took a deep breath. He suddenly looked a lot like the grown Cole, quite cold. He gave his mother a angry look and started to walk towards the castle. Still softly rocking the baby. Phoebe looked at the grown Cole who was staring to the pile. 'And thats how my happines ended.' He said. Phoebe hugged him
When Phoebe and Cole walked into the Childrenroom in the castle. The nearly eight year old boy was putting his sisters in their beds. 'Sssssleepppp welll.' The boy said. He stroked his only brother over his head and walked over to his own bed. A blue vortex opend and the timetravellers walked in there thinking they would go home.


ZoeyRedbird zei op 29 aug 2012 - 22:36:
Dit is zo zielig voor cole!! Zo had ik er nog nooit echt over nagedacht..