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Home » Fairy Tail » Dragon's Tears » Chapter 1

Dragon's Tears

12 mei 2014 - 19:57




Chapter 1

Hey guys! Well, I don't have a lot to say, but I hope you will like it. Have fun reading. :3

“Natsu listen, this is something you should never forget” Igneel spoke. Natsu looked up in curiosity. “Dragons always have one thing that they never want to lose and do anything to protect that thing. And if they couldn’t save that one thing, they will get massive power, but there is a back slash the dragons will go crazy because of the pain here” Igneel pointed with his large finger at Natsu’s heart. “Why do I have to know this? And what is that one thing? And why is that power so bad?” Natsu asked. Igneel sighed “That power is dark, full of regret and suffer. This important and that one thing is Important to every living being….” Natsu was now getting impatient “What’s that one thing?!” he asked again. “You will know when you meet the person” Igneel spoke, laid Natsu next to him and Natsu fell asleep with still that single question in his head.

-Years Later-

In a dark castle faraway from Magnolia, far away from the human world, deep in dark woods with big mountains surrounding and keeping the vulnerable creatures away from this dangers place. The woods are in a total silence, only make one sound and you would be attacked. The “strongest” team from Fairy Tail was in this place, they had walked miles in complete silence to get at the castle. Maybe you think that’s the worst thing in this mission but at this moment the worst thing that could happen happened...

The mission itself wasn’t really hard, not a S rank worth. “Go in to the Shadow woods and find the castle. Look if there are people who are trapped or lost, if there are save them and bring them home.” That’s what the paper said, not so hard. Right? Totally wrong!

I hoped that I never had to say this but the “strongest” team of Fairy Tail has a hard time fighting. The one they have to fight is not a enemy, no, they want to save him from his nature, there enemy is... Natsu!

Why they have to fight him? I will tell you.

Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, Wendy and of course Happy and Charla just defeated many monster and weird creatures. Everybody was exhausted and some wounded even our pink haired dragon slayer. They were in the middle of the dark castle. Nobody was in the castle nor the shadow woods, which was kind of a relief ‘cause they had no energy to save them but now they’re stuck in the castle. They all were sitting on the table in the middle of the room, it was for sure the table would break, but the question was “When will it break?” the mages were too tired to care, they just stayed there on the old wooden table.

The moment that everybody had a bit of energie back, the ground begun to shake and there was a hard cold wind going through the castle. Lucy shivered en leaned against Natsu for warmth, he put his arm around her to keep her warm even Charla and Happy had it cold and cuddled against Wendy. Of course Gray and Erza were used to the cold but it gave a bad feeling that everybody felt. The shaking begun to get worse and the rove crumbled. They all stood and were ready to run to the exit of the castle at that moment the windows shattered and the team was running.

They were almost at the exit but then the horror happened... Lucy got hit on her head with a rock exactly on her blind spot, her sight was already blurred because the blood of the cut above her eyebrow. The blond struggled to run straight but her legs gave up on her and fell on the hard stone floor, Natsu saw this and went back to get her as fast as he can. When he was next to her he saw that she was unconscious, he picked her and with the blond in his arms he ran straight to the exit. He was barely on time, when he was out of the building and had some space between them the castle broke down till it was a hoop of trash.

The pink looked to his friends if they were safe and they were luckily, but then he looked down to the girl in his arm, blood covered her beautiful face and her prefect skin was bruised, covered with dirt and sweat of the fights they had. He laid her down and Wendy begun to heal her with her little bit of magic power that she had left. Natsu looked at his female partner and then stood and walked a bit away and looked into the dark forest. He didn’t want to see her suffer, he wanted to see her smile again, the thing he loved. Erza and Gray walked to him and stood next to him looking to the same side. They booth heard the fire mage mumble something “It’s all my fault..” Erza put her hand on his shoulder and spoke even it was almost a whisper: “It’s not your fault.” Then something happened Erza and Gray didn’t expect to happen... A single tear came down his eyes... Gray whispered “Natsu?”

The dragon slayer heard Wendy whisper to Charla “She lost a lot of blood, she must go back to the guild” Natsu stiffed. His hand took Erza’s hand of his shoulder and spoke: “I fault my biggest mission..” Erza looked at him with a question in her mind “What mission?” At that moment steam came of his skin and the ground shake a bit. Gray and Erza stepped back and looked at him in shock, Wendy felt it and looked afraid, she knew what was going to happen. The blue haired girl spoke “No.. No! That may not happen!” The two mages next looked if she gone crazy “What’s happening Wendy?” Gray spoke. The sky dragon slayer stood up and screamed: “don’t come near Natsu! Get back here!” The two mages listened and ran back to her.

Before Gray ran back he saw that that one tear was gone up in steam, he felt the heat, the air around Natsu was dry and breathing got a bit harder. Gray ran back spoke to Wendy: “What’s happening? The air surrounding Natsu feels like a sauna!” Wendy looked at him with fear in her eyes “Natsu is mad at himself for not protecting the one” Erza and Gray didn’t understand what she said “who or what is ‘the one’?” They thought. Happy was looking at his pink haired partner with concern in his eyes and Charla didn’t care if she had to stay strong so hid behind Happy. Natsu still looked at the forest but he changed, everybody heard his loud breathing, it didn’t sound human at all. The ground underneath him got dry and the trees slowly dried up even some leaf got on fire.

“What’s going on? Where is everybody? Why do I lay on the ground? And why is the ground so... Dry?”

The ice mage gasped, the others except Natsu looked at him, Gray pointed at Natsu’s arm. Now they all looked in shock “his arm... is...” Spoke Wendy and Erza finished “covered in scales... and he has claws...” A second later it wasn’t just his arm, no, it was his whole body that was covered with dark red scales. Natsu looked back with regret and suffer in his eyes and then he looked at Lucy. His friends saw his pain, they looked at him and he spoke: “I’m sorry guys, I failed, I could have saved her, I had to stay next to her.” Erza stiffed but Wendy knew she had to do something “Natsu, you didn’t do anything wrong, she-“ “she is hurt, lost a lot of blood and is unconscious!” Natsu growled, now there were big flames surrounding him, it were thick flames and you barely saw the dragon slayer.
“What that light?”
Gray, Wendy, Happy and Charla stepped back. Erza went over to Lucy to pick her up but there were flames in a circle around her and keeping everything away like a shield. Erza couldn’t get near her and ran back to Gray and asked if he could get her. He and used his ice magic but it was useless, he felt like Juvia, his ice melt immediately and only water was what you saw and that water was a second later changed into just some steam. Gray was now scared ‘cause his ice didn’t even hit the flames! It was already gone before it could hit, he felt weak and he looked in Natsu’s direction. There were only flames and it looked like they were getting bigger.

“My vision is blurred ‘cause of the hit, but is that Gray?”

Gray ran away from the flames with great fear in his eyes, the ice mage spoke: “sorry, my magic is useless against this heat.” Than the red haired spoke: “Wendy, you know what’s going on, what is happening to Natsu? And what mission did he fail?” Wendy looked up with tears in her eyes “Dragon may not fail in protecting their princess.” Erza and Gray got it now... Natsu is the draagon... and Lucy is the princess...

“Why are they talking about a fairy tale?”

The flames who were surrounding Natsu slowly fainted and only left a thick smoke. Everybody gasped, there was one thought in all their minds: “that can’t be Natsu!”


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