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Home » Fairy Tail » Dragon's Tears » Chapter 2

Dragon's Tears

14 mei 2014 - 8:29




Chapter 2

I hope you will like it ^^

A loud roar came from the dark shadow and the smoke slowly disappeared. The scarf of Natsu fell on the ground in front of the Fairy Tail comrades. Gray and Erza were stunned and Wendy fell on the dry floor. They looked up to the gigantic beast in front of them, the beast that’s always been called ‘Natsu.’ Charla hugged Happy and tried to cover her ears, she was scared and tried to escape the world around. Happy saw this and hugged her back. “Natsu... Are you...” Erza spoke “A dragon..? “Finished Gray ‘cause Erza was to stunned to finish her sentence.

“What is that sound? It sounds like a cry... It hurts my ears” Lucy thought and mumbled: “make it stop, please, stop”

Wendy looked at Lucy who was still in the fire circle “did I imagine that? I heard Lu-” she thought but her thought were cut off ‘cause the dragon clapped is wings, his dark red wings, red like blood and the inside of the wings were black. But something was a bit off... his wings were really dark but the tips of the wings are bright yellow. The dragon himself is fully dark red and his eyes, horns and fangs are black.

The dragon ‘Natsu’ looked down to his friend and he begun to get ready for a fire roar. Erza saw this and got back to the real world. She ran to Wendy who sat on the ground with her tears in her eyes “Natsu-nii” she mumbled, the red haired mage picked her up and ran as far as she could ‘cause she knew –even without knowing the whole story- that he was ready to destroy everything around him. Gray took a last look at Lucy, he couldn’t get near her so he had no choice but run and find a save place for everybody. Happy looked at Charla, he picked her up and flew away. Charla was shaking in fear and Happy did his best to get her somewhere save, but he was exhausted.

The air was getting black ‘cause it was becoming full of soot. The black eyes of the dragon were looking sad and he roared into the direction of his friends. Natsu screamed in his mind that he had to stop this but his feelings, his regret, his suffer was too much to control himself and his nature. The forest was burning, the dark mud rivers through the forest were dried up, the animals were trying to escape the fire but many were too late and they were stuck in the fire. Because of the blast Erza and Gray fell to the ground and Wendy fell next to the red haired women. Luckily they were save ‘cause the fire roar didn’t come far enough, the air was dry and full with smoke. Erza had a hard time standing up, when she finally found her balance she picked up the little sky dragon slayer and brought her inside of a big cave. Gray stud at that time and saw something falling from the sky. It was familiar blue and had something or someone in his paws.... “Happy! Charla!” The ice mage shouted, he knew they wouldn’t survive a fall from such height, he ran in the burning forest to save is exceed comrade.

“Why is everything so hot and bright? The heat burns.”

The air was hard to breath and Gray was exhausted. He had to watch his step ‘cause almost everywhere he stepped there were flames or black pieces trees. He almost fell a couple of times ‘cause the smoke was thick and hard to look trough, but he didn’t gave up he had to save them. When he finally saw almost hitting the ground in front of him he jumped at them and caught them before they hit the hard dry ground. He heard a roar and he tried to cover their ears. At that moment he felt something fury, it was Happy’s paw trying to cover his ear from the painful roar. Gray looked at the blue exceed who smiled a bit, but is wasn’t a happy smile, it was a painful one. Gray knew that he suffered seeing his friend like this, it hurts him too and then looked a bit to the left and saw that Charla was fainted. Gray raised himself from the floor and stud. He was still covering their ears and he was going for a run. His eyes were killing him, they hurt so badly because of the smoke and the heat, he knew had to keep them open to find his way in the forest that was black ‘cause of all the ash. When he finally reached the cave his legs were starting to give up on him, it took all his power to get in the cave, when he was next to Erza he laid the exceeds next to Wendy and he fell down to his knees.

The red haired mage looked in concern to her exhausted friends, she didn’t know what to do. The ground begun to shake and had a rhythm... Footsteps? Footsteps of a massive beast with four legs! “Natsu is coming this way!” She screamed in her mind, she didn’t have the power to carry her friends. She had no option but to pray and hope he didn’t saw the cave. But then the shaking was getting worse and the roof of the cave was crumbling “no! Not this again!” she whispered and leaned above Wendy to keep her save.

“What are all these sounds?!”

The dragon’s breathing was loud and he could let the whole floor shake with just one step. Everything was burning till they were ashes. Natsu couldn’t think straight, his heart hurts like hell ‘cause of regret for letting his precious some get in critical condition and he knew if he was next to her he could have saved her, but he wasn’t there. The red dragon stud in front of the cave and he lifted the roof of the cave and threw all the stone away. He looked down and saw one human stand there with her sword pointing at him. She was exhausted, bruised and burnt she shouted: “I’m ready to protect my friends for anything and I’m ready to fight you if you’re going to attack even if I don’t want to!” A tear came down her left eye and then the red haired mage laid her free hand on her ‘Fairy Tail’ spoke: “you too, want to protect everyone, please stop this...”

“I have to get up” She thought and opened her brown eyes....


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