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The New Evil: Book Two, Avo acheno

20 aug 2009 - 19:56




<[4]> Breaking Backup

"Son, It's better if no one knows your name for a while." Said an elf sitting on the altar in a church.
"But no one knows who I am!" Said the younger elf.
"That's right. Go to your bed, come on."
"Allright, see you tomorrow!" Said the elf and ran away.
"Hi Thranduil." Said Jennesta and she smiled.
"Hi Jen'." Said Thranduil.
"So are we going to kill all Gremlins? Use them for attacking?" Asked Jennesta and Thranduil looked up.
"I don't know, what do you think?" Answered Thranduil.
"I don't know either.. But I got a question." Said Jennesta and her hand went in her pocket.
"Do you know something about a ring?"
"Well, I quess I shouldn't keep it secret."
"Trust me, you really shouldn't."
"Yes, the prince of South-Earth. He has a ring. It's a Ring of Power. Listen, no one knows.. but there are five stars. Made by an unknown man, they are the key to other dimensions. When you connect them all, there forms an opening in the back. The Ring of Power fits in it." Said Thranduil
"One like these right?" Said Jennesta and she took out the star she got earlier.
"Yes.. How did you kn.."
"My father made them." Said Jennesta interrupting Thranduil.
"Seraphim, he made them. I hate him. He was the cause I am here now."
"You went thrue the portal? Where are you from?" Asked Thranduil, he got very nervous.
"Yes.. I come from Maras-Dantia. It's indeed another dimension." Said Jennesta.
"Are you afraid? For what?" She added quickly afterwards.
"No I'm not scared. I'm curious." Said Thranduil.
"For what?" Jennesta repeated.
"For the portal. There's one nearby. You didn't know?"
"No, where is it?" Asked Jennesta but before Thranduil could answer a horn was blown. It was a horn Jennesta and Thranduil didn't recognize. They ran outside and saw horses..

"Hé, get back here!" Yelled Airadan to the few man on top of the hill. Airadan looked around. He saw shades moving towards them. He started riding towards them. He recoqnized them.
"Sidh', Haldir." Said Airadan and then he stared at the elven warriors. It were warriors of Gildwel.
"Welcome to Gryhleson." Said Airadan to both.
"What's going on?" Asked Haldir.
"Slohg here said his city is being terrorized by some sort of witch."
"Me said, yes." Said Slohg with a smile on his old face.
"Oh Airadan," Sidh' started "you know there's an orc army this way?"
"What?" Yelled Airadan and he turned around. Looked to the little army he had and then turned back to Sidh'.
"This is going to be a long, long day." Said Findëmaxa
"Indeed. Either the orcs are here for us, or for the witch. But I guess its for us." Airadan stopped, looked to the elfs who were sort of dancing out of boredness. He continiued:
"Haldir, get your elfs ready to fight. Slohg, go find other gremlins, ones that know how to use a sword. Sidh'.. Stay with Aragorn."
While haldir walked away Findëmaxa said:
"What are you going to do?"
"I am going to the edge of the forest. I know some centaurs, they owe me one. I'll be back at nightfall, if not.. Just take care of yourselfs."
"If you will too." Said Aragorn and they both smiled. Haldir came back with his elfs in formation, all had faces like stone.
"They are ready." Haldir said.
"So am I" Said Airadan and he got on his horse.
"If Slohg comes back.. Would you please help these gremlins with swords?"
"I will, now go." Said Aragorn and they shaked hands. Airadan drove away in the woods and they were alone.

"Sidh' this may not be the time to tell, but.. We are all leaving South-Earth. Haldir and I. Gimli, Pippin and Legolas. It'll be just you and all your friends. Remember we are not abandening you and Airadan, but we have to leave. I have a kingdom to rule, so does Gimli and Legolas. Pippin needs to go to his wife. And Haldir, he needs to go back to Lothloriën."
"Is this true?" Said Sidhlairiel and looked to Haldir.
"Sorry, I thought you wouldn't understand. I only make troubles. Legolas.. he wasn't kidnapped at all. His father took him away from Imladris. He never struggled."
"But why?" Asked Aragorn, meanwhile the elfs started to dance a little again.
"Because Thranduil was ashamed of him."
"It doesn't makes sense to me."
"Legolas could only get his honor back by stealing the ring for Telfagoron."
"But why did he agreed."
"Else he would lose Mirkwood."
"I get it." Said Aragorn.
"I totally get it, he's weak. He isn't the elf anymore who he was earlier."
"So, maybe thranduil and that witch are working together." Said Sidh'
"That are some weird thoughts." Said Haldir.
"No, maybe she's right." Said Aragorn. Far away the orcs were getting visible.
"What?" Said Haldir
"But, we'll find out with the battle." Said Aragorn and he pulled his sword.
"Draw your weapons!" Aragorn suddenly barked. Sidh pulled out her sword and knive, Haldir his sword. The Elven warriors immediatly stopped dancing and also took their swords. Aragorn saw a group of orc heading their ways rapidly.

"Formation!" Haldir yelled and their they all stood.
"Sidh put back your sword findëmaxa, too. Go stand behind those trees there." And so they did. Aragorn and Haldir, together with the group of elves were standing ready to attack. The orcs were getting closer every second and they came to spitting distance. Aragorn slashed his sword up, and killed the first orc. He took over the horse and went on battling. Haldir was busy with two orcs on horses. With a swift strike he killed the first and did the same as aragorn. One elf got his skull smacked by a passing orc and fell on the floor, lifeless. Together Aragorn and Haldir drove to their enemies. the orcs weren't defending themself so well, the halfof the group were killed easily, but the other half seemed to be more trained. Finëmaxa and Sidh' shot arrow after arrow and the group was getting thinner. Aragorn got smacked off his horse and caused a wound in his arm. The orc was too pround of himself, causing him to forget the fight so, haldir rushed in and killed the orc with a smile. Behind all them, slohg came back surprised. Haldir was looking surprised too, all the gremlins, maybe a hundred, were all wielding swords and shields. The orc band was almost gone. Fin' shot the last orc in his shoulder and Aragorn finished it. While wiping off the blood of the foreheads they both looked at the end of the path. An army, consisting of maybe 1500 orcs were gathering. Aragorn went to Slohg.
"Slohg, how do you got all these weapons?"
"Simple, me knows were stash of weapons is. Is in house next door. there lives defensive leader. Who as you noticed, didn't not do job well." Said Slohg. They all rested and the evening fell. Neither the sun or the moon was visible. It was dark, very dark. A horn was blown and lights could be see. It was Airadan.

Airadan drove to Aragorn, who just stood up.
"Welcome back, mellon." He said.
"Thanks, these centaurs are ready to battle. Do we attack at sunrise?" Airadan asked to Aragorn.
"Yes, we do." He said and looked to the giant army of horsemen. Well, infantry or, it was hard to tell.
"So these are centaurs?"
"Yes. Never seen one before?"
"Books." Aragorn said dry and walked closer to them.
"Hé you, back off." One of them said.
"Easy, kappeste." Airadan said to him. "He means no harm."
"Still back off." He said quietly in himself.
"My best centaurs," Airadan announced. "We attack at sunrise, if the horn blows, be ready with your bows and swords." There was a visible line betwine the bowmen, and the swordmen. They all went to their sleeping spots, well, at least picking them and dissapeared in the woods. Airadan called back some of them to set guards. They could go asleep now.

Aragorn and Airadan were calling the guard.
"Wake up all the centaurs, would ya?" He asked.
"The sun rises in about thirty minutes." Aragorn informed him.
"Yes, they will be ready."
"Goodmorning." Findëmaxa sleepless said.
"You too, allready eaten?"
"Yes, lovely food." She said and the centaurs were moving, getting in possition.
"I've seen centaurs before, well, encountered them. Killed 'em all." She said. Haldir was awake now too, so as slohg. They both joined the group.
"Allright, i'm having carge, i'm going to set everything good for the fight." Airadan said and went to the centaurs. After they were nice in possition, he called Findëmaxa and Sidhlairiel.
"Sidh', you'll be having charge of the right group of centaurs. Fin', you got the left ones."
"Ok." they both said and went to their placed. Haldir, already barking orders to his elves was called in next.
"Haldir, spread you elves under the sword-centaurs. You'll be having full charge of them." Airadan said and Haldir walked to his possition.
"Slohg, come here!" Airadan yelled to him. Slohg came wiggling to Airadan.
"Yes, me does what?"
"You're going to fight with the other gremlins."
"Me what? Me can't fight."
"Can you handle a bow?"
"Me can shoot arrows yes."
"Allright, go and stand with the centaurs over there." Said Airadan and called in Aragorn.
"Yes, we are going to lead the gremlins. You take left I'll take right."
"Fine enough with me." He said and walked away. Airadan went standing before his army, 500 men strong.
"Everyone, do not break this formation!" He yelled.
"I'm going to be though to you all now and accept it. So keep you filthy asses in this formation!" He barked. The chatting stopped. He took a horn and blown it. Orcs in the distance, ready to fight turned their faces. The battle begon..

Orcs started marching towards the army. Arrows flew over their heads tothe orcs and arrows were send back. Centaurs, orcs and gremlins fell. Findëmaxa took het centaurs into the woods, delivering unexpected arrows from the left. Sidh' took her example and went behind the buildings. Sidhlairiel ran into a building to a balcony and continiued shooting. Airadan and Aragorn led the gremlins on and the orcs and gremlins started to fight. Gremlins died sooner than the orcs but then the orcs got killed by either Airadan, Aragorn or all the hurling arrows from above. Airadan faced his next orc, a big one wielding a two-hand axe. The orc made a move to the legs of Airadan but missed, Airadan saw an opening in his defension and tooka chance. It was now Airadan who reached for the legs, succesful. One leg fell of and Aragorn came from aside and cut off the orcs head.
"Sorry," He said. "want to get this battle to be over quick."
"What? To go home?" Said Airadan a little pissed. but he continued to fight. Meanwhile Slohg was pround of himself because he had allready shot 13 orc, Findëmaxa had shot 89, and Sidhlairiel had shot 137. The orc numbers were fading. But then something happend none had forseen. A women, together with an orc and two elfs were at the end of the street. The two elfs were allready shooting..

"Sheack, go in there and kill them!" Jennesta commanded
"Yes, my lady." he said and he dissapeared in the crowd.
"Son, you need to prove me once more.." Thranduil said with evilness in his voice.
"What do you want me to do?" Said Legolas and looked around.
"I saw some one. You need to kill her."
"Sidh' " Said Legolas quiet.
"Yes, up than balcony there." Said Thranduil and pointed. Legolas thought long but then drew and arrow. He aimed, shot.. and loosend a tear..

Sidh'!!!" Yelled Airadan. Under the balcony orcs were fighting. Sidh' looked were the arrow come from. She fell. She was lying against the fences of the balcony. Her bow had fallen down, into the crowd. Sidh' saw the shooter. Tears, blood, heartbeats, no hartbeats. She fell backwards on the balcony.
"Haldir!!" Airadan barked to him.
"What?" he yelled to Airadan, but he allready saw it. Haldir looked for the shooter and found him. Haldir turned mad and he freed himself from the crowd. He found a spot and drew and arrow. The silver tip was shining and pointed at Legolas. The white feathers were whiter then ever. He shot. The arrow flew, timeless.

Legolas fell on his knees. His father went besides him. Legolas looked to the arrow. "Haldir.." He said quietly. His faced turned white, like the feathers, and he fell down on the floor. He looked around. He saw his father talking, he could not hear it. His heart stopped.
"Legolas?" Thranduil said.
"Jennesta!" He barked to her.
"What?" She said and saw Legolas. She ran to Thranduil.
"Is there anything you can do?"
"If i'm quick enough." She said and pushed him aside. Jennesta put her hands on Legolas' middle and closed her eyes. Whispered things. Legolas cought. He was alive.
"He wasn't long enough in the deadlands. So I could bring him back. Thranduil thanked her. Jennesta and Thranduil looked at eachother for a while, and then they kissed.
"Ah, come on." Said Legolas quietly to himself and stood up.
"Son," Thranduil started. "I would like you to leave, they think you are dead now, so take advantage of it."
"Ok, I'll go to the bakery." Legolas said, took his bow and walked away..

Haldir saw Legolas walking away and dicided to follow him, before he did that:
"Fire, at will!" He yelled. And then he started running. Haldir searched, but than reached the bakery and saw Legolas. Haldir took his sword.
"Let's settle this once and for all." Haldir barked to Legolas.
"Oh, who do we got here. Haldir, what a surprise. Before you ask, yes, I killed Sidhlairiel."
"I wasn't going to ask, I was just going to kill you." Said Haldir.
"Well, you faked dead before, let's see if you can fake it again." Said Legolas and took his knives. They ran to eachother and they both slashed, cut and kicked eachother. Legolas was getting tired and reached for haldir's head. The result was small but caused a cut on haldir's face. Now it was haldir who attacked. He stroke powerful with two hands on his sword. He broke one of the knives. Legolas threw it away and continiued with only one knive. Haldir striked once more and managed to make a deep cut in Legolas' arm. Legolas did nothing but stepping back. Haldir striked again. Legolas arm was hit. It fell off. He fell on the floor and had no weapons left. The only thing he had was his bow and arrows. He couldn't use his bow so he took an arrow and tryed to stab Haldir. He missed. Haldir striked one last time and cut Legolas' throat. Lifeless Legolas fell on the floor, again..


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LadyLondon zei op 20 aug 2009 - 13:33:
hmm ik zou eigenlijk. best sad om legolas kunnen zijn maar dat ben ik niet. =3 yeeh Haldir<3 ... hmm wacht volgends mij.. kan mijn hart neit meer voor hem slaan anyway still love him yay =D <3 <3 and I loved the story. Maar jesus Christ hoe vroeg ben je wel niet opgestaan or somethign? maar ik dacht dat Legolas arm er af gevallen was so van it fell of? like zo van geen wapens alleen zijn boog en gebruikte hem hoe? dan?

LadyLondon zei op 19 aug 2009 - 21:29:
Boe. weer een stalking. x] wöhöw. and I see like twee zinnekes geupdate. awesome x]

LadyLondon zei op 18 aug 2009 - 22:42:
haha bij elke kleine update komt hier een bericht en zelfs heb ik er al een paar verwijderd en ik ben idd een stalker muwhaha. x] likes. anyway Slogh rocks. and lovely: So keep your filthy asses in this formation n__n naaaaaaaaaaaaaiiice...

Blue eyes, Blue eyes.
What's the matter, matter?
Blue eyes, Blue eyes.
What's the matter, matter?
So blind, so blind.
What's the matter, matter?
Blue eyes, Blue eyes.
What's the matter with you?

hmm Blue eyes. Haldir's blue eyes<3 n_n
hmm. oeh ik ga idee verwerken n_n
yeeh en morgen kom ik dus terug...ja dat gebeurd en dan is het verhaal dus weer stukje geüpdatet? like h4 of word t dan h5?

LadyLondon zei op 18 aug 2009 - 22:12:
verder verder.

LadyLondon zei op 18 aug 2009 - 18:05:
yay finally heb ik dat stukje gvonden dat ze gingen dansen. haha over heen gelezen. "Sorry, I thought you wouldn't understand. I only make troubles ... hmm mijn Haldir maakt geen troubles. x] haha *wickedsmile*en ik ga jou verhaal stalken. n_n,