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Home » Twilight » Bleed Heart

Bleed Heart

22 okt 2009 - 10:54




Tribute to Twilight, the Twilight Saga New Moon and Eclipse.

"I didn't know, I thought you loved me for the blood.."
"Girl, I am not a demon."
"I know, now I know there is a heart right here."
"Don't touch it!"
"Why, Edward?"
"You will hear my heartbeats.."

He gave me the feeling, he told me I am special.
He kissed me, touched me..
And when I look in my memories I was scared.
Scared for my love.
My biggest love in life time..
Edward Cullen.


  1. 1. Snow Tindra.
    1001 woorden, 0 reacties, laatste update: 21 okt 2009 - 17:07
  2. 2. Het ongeduld van Narcissa.
    1045 woorden, 1 reacties, laatste update: 22 okt 2009 - 9:07
  3. 3. Will you tell her? Please?
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  4. 4. Your mother fergot.
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Lisaa zei op 25 dec 2009 - 20:03: